Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This Society Needs To Fall

In the media today, I'm sure if I turned on the television I would see a skinny half naked female trying to sell something.

Why does the Western society see barely healthy females as 'beauty'? Can't we just all understand that maybe if we just embraced how we look for once we can be happy instead of digesting diet pills? Although, if the females weren't so scared of being "fat" the companies that make all these diet products would surely fall.

My favourite of all time though is when you have this perfectly size girl and she looks at herself in the mirror thinking that she looks so fat. When it obviously isn't the case at all. She can be the perfect weight for her height but she still would think she's over weight. It's sad!
This just doesn't only for females, males must do it also.

Not only the whole stereotype of boys just want skinny girls, but they must be worried about their weight too. The ads and society pushes men to look built and strong, to have a 6 pack. Why can't we just get it some just can't.

Boys and girls and everyone in between can't look like that photoshop model on the cover of the latest magazine. You can't compare to something that isn't real.

I just think, no one should be skinny to look good, I think people should want to be healthy.

More to come, Frey*.

*Names have been changed.

Don't You Just Love

Today is an excellent day.

I started up community college, got all my courses ready.
Got to talk to Alexander* 
He told me.. Well!~ You can just imagine what he told me for the first time that makes me incredibly happy!!

Too happy to write about anything.
Next post, media related most likely!


More to Come! Frey*.

*Names have been changed.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I have a goal

I have this really strange goal. I want someone to get my signature, tattooed on them someplace. 

And why you ask single reader? I think it would be a funny story for their children and then some! Also, my name would be immortalized, somewhat! My friend Larissa* told me she would do it, but I have a feeling she is just saying yes just to amuse me.

Do you think this is a strange goal? Of course it is, but it doesn't mean it's any less important than any other goal. I have serious goals, and funny-stupid goals like this one. Everyone looks at me strange a bit when they see I have a goal list posted on my wall next to my bed. Is it really strange that I have goals I want to complete before I kick the bucket? I don't think so. I'm currently working on the 'finish novel' goal. I'm not sure how long that one is going to take! Maybe a bit... a few years? We'll see! Although, I should try to finish that novel, I think my name would be a bit more immortalized with paper than ink, right? 

More to come, Frey*.

*Names have been changed.

A post of what I want to do

I never realized, well it didn't click, but I really do like classical music. I don't understand why we humans are against it at times. Is it because those who listen to classical music are strange in a way? Is it since classical music isn't very popular anymore, or isn't mainstream like the rest of the recycle garbage we like to call 'music'?

I don't think I can actually answer that, can you, single reader? 

Any who, I want to go to a classical concert of some sort. I don't want to go by myself. Hopefully I get score a date to one! (Boyfriend, friend, parents, whatever.) We'll see how it turns out! Mostly, since, we have no concerts like that from where I am.

I think it would be an interesting experience. Wouldn't it be better to hear the flutes or violins in person than it would on recording? Such raw power and emotions coming from simple instruments. 

I'm done being an old person now, haaaaah..ah....

More to come, Frey*.

*Names have been changed.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Are promises worth more when you promise something to yourself, or to another person? Or vise versa? It seems everyone makes a promise or two to themselves or others, but then breaks them. Are they just disposable words to make people feel good? What's the point of promising anything, if in the end you know you'll just break it.

I made a few promises to myself, I broke them. Ha. Mostly because there was one I made to myself, then because of how things progressed with Alexander* I had to break it.  Just about long distance, that's all I'm saying.

When anyone promises me anything, sometimes I just know when they won't keep the promise. That they're just saying it to use me, hurt me, or just to shut me up. 
What's the point ? 

I wish people knew that when you keep a promise, it can be rewarding. No matter what, or how hard it gets. In the end, I think it's worth it. Except you know, if the promise is "I promise I'll give you the world." Can't happen!

I also don't know how I feel, or stand, on the topic of Promise Rings. I once had a a promise ring from an Ex. I'm unsure how I ever felt about it.  But I do know, if anyone was to give me another promise ring, I want to know right away what the promise is for. This makes no sense, but I rather like the idea of promise rings?

More to come, Frey*.

*Names have been changed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm growing up

Today, I applied for community college and was accepted. Now I have three courses I must work on to get the credits I need. This will be a fun ride! I need to learn more self control and motivation. Since, I believe I will only have my mother pushing me to do better. I have to face the facts, she won't be there forever to do that for me.

I personally believe me going to community college and not high school will help me develop and grow as a person, and hopefully for the better. If not, lesson learned move on. Right? 

This road can take me down several paths. I can first of all, actually enjoy my time spent in the classroom, or hate it so badly I want to drop out. Or, this experience can help me pinpoint what I actually want to go to college/university for. Who knows what will happen really. Monday is when I need to put all my theories aside of the future and start working towards it.

I just hope my friends and such figure out what they need to do before it's too late.

More to Come, Frey*.

*Names have been Changed.

Goodnight, Goodbye.

Do you think it's important to say Goodnight to your significant other? To say goodnight to family? Or even friends? In general, do you feel as though goodnight is even important to say at all, or do you feel it's just a simple way to say 'leave me alone go to bed'.

I personally believe that goodnight should be said to someone you know before they sleep. When anyone tells me to have a good nights rest, goodnight, and so on,  it makes me sort of happy. Well sometimes very happy. The reason is, they took enough time out of their day, well night, to wish me something. Even if it seems so small, in the end we spend roughly 30% of our lifetime asleep. 

I think, if I have to sleep that much of my life away, I want to be happy right before I sleep. 

So even if it makes me sound corny or whatever, I'm going to bother telling the people I care about goodnight and hope they do the same for me.

More to come, Frey*.

*Names have been changed.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Introductions are needed

Ahh! How the young have grown into some what adults. Today I got out of the house, and started looking with mother for courses for community college. I've grown up and no longer in high school! But all serious issues aside, I need to ask this question;

What's up with lol?

It seems people use it a lot. Do they use it because they're actually laughing or because they have nothing else to say? I personally never use it because it makes me feel like a bitch if I do. In my mind, I have to think about it, because what if the person on the other end of the computer conversation thinks the same way as I do?

(Internet conversation)
Frey*: Lol
Them (in their minds): Did they say lol because it's funny? Or is it because they have nothing else to say? Oh God what if I'm boring? I must be boring, I better be cooler in my next post!

Then it just starts to spiral out of control for so many reasons. Which the conversation either ends abruptly at "lol" or continues into awkward territory, sometimes both. 

Now, when I saw that my boyfriend, Alexander* (We'll come back to him later!), was using "lol" a lot in our MSN conversation, I asked him. "Do you use "lol" as a real laughter, or just because there's nothing else to say?"
I think his answer was better than most; "Because I find something funny."

I suppose I have to give him credit for this thoughtful reply, right? I think in the end I just don't like how "lol" works. It's too simple and short for something so complex. Can laughter be really shorten up into a three letter word? I guess in this day and age anything is possible. 

Maybe I'm just over thinking this as usual. I tend to do that a lot. If Alexander* read this, he would tell me I'm silly. I think, in one or another, I like being the silly complex one. 

More to come, Frey*.

* Names have been changed.

This is how it begins

Wouldn't it be wonderful to sit back in the comfort of your own home and blog about who ever you wanted? Let me rephrase that, wouldn't it be wonderful if you blogged about people and they didn't even know it was them, or you?

This is one girls blog to discover what's life, love, and misadventures are about, anonymously of course.

My name is Frey*, bringing my blog to your screen while I just try to live my life.

More to come, Frey*.

*Names have been changed.