Sunday, August 28, 2011


I've been thinking lately about :
*** NOT FOR THOSE WHO ARE PRUDISH/ UNDER THE LEGAL AGE IN SAID COUNTRY/OR just don't like the topic of sex. If so continue on to the bottom!***

I've been thinking lately about the topic of sex. Yes that's right, the taboo, the social norm, the whatever you want to call it. The reason I'm thinking about sex is because Sex and the City. For those who don't like the television show, well you're missing out on some good stuff!

Now this post isn't about "oh wowies let's talk about sexies!"  No, I've been thinking, has the morale and the age of those having sex gone down in recent times? Obviously, yes young girls were sold as brides to older men, or those of the same age and expected to breed.

But what about now? In 2011 do you believe it's still morally right to have young woman/men go around and have sex? I feel as though those who are above 18+ it's okay, because they are a legal adult and can make decisions. I'm against teenagers who are 14 having sex and having children. I believe now in this day and age that it's not acceptable... Yes it has always happened I know that. I think that schools should provide better sex ed though. I mean real sex ed. Not the DON'T HAVE SEX, AIDS, DIE. Type. The actual, "This is a condom, and if you feel ready..." sort.

I cannot stop anyone from having sex no matter how young, but I still believe that it should be protected and safe. Teach your kids to have safer sex before they get knocked up!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The end of summer is near

I am sorry all my readers. The last few days I have been really busy. I went down to visit my boyfriend *Pat.  I had a really great time down there. I did everything I wanted to do this summer. It really was the best time of my summer.. makes me some what sad that it wasn't *Pat's also.

On top of that he left his cell phone in my car. So I don't know when he'll get it back. Or if he'll have to wait until school starts again. 22 days.

*Names have been changed.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Written or to write?

There is a very distinct difference between wanting to write, and actually wanting to have wrote. To write means you actually want to sit down and write things out no matter what. To want to wrote means you want to have written, not actually write. To be famous for writing, without writing. Does that make sense? It's something among those lines.

How does this come up with me? I was at work, it's my last day with no work so I decided
I shall write. What happens? I'm looking at the fresh blank screen of my computer and nothing. Nothing at all. Not a single thought comes to my mind, I haven't even started writing and I hit a road block. I just can't make myself do it, to actually put my ideas to paper/screen at all. I never realized but I'm in that category of wanting to have written. I need to push myself to write. Yes this blog helps me with writing out things but I want more. I want to write a fiction novel, a short story, anything that I can claim "yes I wrote that,"

Please writing creating spirits/gods/things help me! I just want to be able to put my ideas down without getting bored midpoint, losing track, and not being able to start. 

*Names have been changed

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tattoos Love or Regret?

So most of us can agree that tattoos have been around for .. well as long as civilization or longer. But that's not what my post about, yes we can argue that tattoos are 'new' and things like that, but the real reason of this post is are tattoos a good idea?

To be fair I will note that I have three tattoos. So I shall try not to be bias, but we all know that's not possible, everyone is bias at one point, even without meaning it.

Anyway, let's continue!

Lately I have been thinking about tattoos more recently. I look at mine on my wrist, and I go back and forth on it, Do I really love it, or has the phase past? Am I always going to think like this?  Don't get me wrong, I love it, I really do, but sometimes I wish it wasn't there, I wish it was in another area of my body, more easy to cover up than my wrist. Every time someone see's me, they look at my arm, and go "Oh what a cute bear!" That's great that you think my panda is cute and all but, really, can't you ask about the back story, or something other than, "Is that a bear?" Hmm.. I don't know why I should be complaining, I obviously put it there with the intention of allowing people to see it. I sometimes wish it was  just in another area.
That is why, I am thinking of getting it removed. Yes I had it for three years and it is the only tattoo I have with.. a small amount of regret. I would probably just get it re-done but in another spot.
On the other hand, I made the commitment should I just live up to it?

C'est la vie!

*Names have been Changed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

What is love?

Sorry about the title, the only thing I could really think of that would match this post. No it's not about that song. Baby don't hurt me- ... carrying on!

So a few updates about life before we continue to the heavy duty things. 

1. I never got a reply back from Lisa See yet. I don't think I ever will, since she is very busy. I really want a reply though, I want to read what she has to  say about the questions and things I asked! No I won't tell you what I asked, unless you know.. I get a reply.

2. I was busy this weekend once again. I went with my mom and sister to the United States of America. Yeah,  it was alright but it made me realize why and what I love about Canada. No stupid 'LANE ENDING' and bam it ends almost causing you to hit another car. Or no ... really good discounts... or... good food... or... I'm sticking to my story, Canada is great!  I had a great time, and bought things I needed for school. Which I am excited about.

3. Less than a month now until school! I'm so excited to go back, you have no idea reader.

4. This Friday is my last day of work. I am PUMPED. I'm so ready to be done work, it's boring and unproductive towards anything useful. It made me realize that I want to work for something that is needed and useful, not something boring and gross.

5, This Friday after lunch, since we finish at 12 on Fridays, I shall be driving to see *Pat. I don't know how long I shall be staying but I do know it's going to be grande. I miss him and it's only been two weeks since I last saw him! 

 Now to the dirty and gritty of this post:

When is the right time to fall in love with some one? Do you know? Does it just happen? 

I believe that no one loves each other right away, that it takes time to actually be in love. I also don't believe when Teenagers say "I love you!" To their boyfriends of a month, just isn't possible. But when is the right time? Is it only after you realize or do you just know that you love them? 
I've been in two long term relationships so far, and on my third now, but even still.. I don't know when or how we fall in love. It's so confusing. Is it that first moment when you whisper 'I love them' to yourself or does it take more?
Oh so many answers. I need some advice! 

I think... personally we just... ugh...  I'll figure this out eventually..

*Names have been changed.