Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Things in life.

As my school year wind downs I noticed a lot of things that were different than last year. The meal hall is a bit better, friends either suck or are good friends. And lovers grow!

But I noticed that we grow, everyone does. Eventually we learn from our mistakes, from our past. We become better or worse people. Like a plant we're always growing!

It's amazing to look back from just a few years and think how different I am now.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


That's right it's a new month, so a new template is up! I like to keep things fresh.

I asked my friend Ginger* what I should blog about. She told me to blog about friends. I believe she is right.

The first thing you must know about me is that I'm a simple person, I enjoy the company of people and when I make friends I tend to have great friends. I'm not that girl who has 400 friends on Facebook. Rather, I have less than 120, and I know each of their names. The thing is Facebook is not a great judgement of friends. Because if you took out all my cousins who I have to be 'friends' with, took out Pats*  family, then my acquaintances  from school you would be left with a lot lot less.

I have just a hand full of good friends that I actually enjoy being with. I don't believe in having friends, than your close friends, than you BFF. I have good friends that I love equally. That's how I roll man.

School starts on September 4th. I'm EXTREMELY happy about this. I haven't seen a few faces since the summer started and to be honest, I can't love to hug them and take them out for a good time!

*Names have been changed.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I've been thinking lately about :
*** NOT FOR THOSE WHO ARE PRUDISH/ UNDER THE LEGAL AGE IN SAID COUNTRY/OR just don't like the topic of sex. If so continue on to the bottom!***

I've been thinking lately about the topic of sex. Yes that's right, the taboo, the social norm, the whatever you want to call it. The reason I'm thinking about sex is because Sex and the City. For those who don't like the television show, well you're missing out on some good stuff!

Now this post isn't about "oh wowies let's talk about sexies!"  No, I've been thinking, has the morale and the age of those having sex gone down in recent times? Obviously, yes young girls were sold as brides to older men, or those of the same age and expected to breed.

But what about now? In 2011 do you believe it's still morally right to have young woman/men go around and have sex? I feel as though those who are above 18+ it's okay, because they are a legal adult and can make decisions. I'm against teenagers who are 14 having sex and having children. I believe now in this day and age that it's not acceptable... Yes it has always happened I know that. I think that schools should provide better sex ed though. I mean real sex ed. Not the DON'T HAVE SEX, AIDS, DIE. Type. The actual, "This is a condom, and if you feel ready..." sort.

I cannot stop anyone from having sex no matter how young, but I still believe that it should be protected and safe. Teach your kids to have safer sex before they get knocked up!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The end of summer is near

I am sorry all my readers. The last few days I have been really busy. I went down to visit my boyfriend *Pat.  I had a really great time down there. I did everything I wanted to do this summer. It really was the best time of my summer.. makes me some what sad that it wasn't *Pat's also.

On top of that he left his cell phone in my car. So I don't know when he'll get it back. Or if he'll have to wait until school starts again. 22 days.

*Names have been changed.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Written or to write?

There is a very distinct difference between wanting to write, and actually wanting to have wrote. To write means you actually want to sit down and write things out no matter what. To want to wrote means you want to have written, not actually write. To be famous for writing, without writing. Does that make sense? It's something among those lines.

How does this come up with me? I was at work, it's my last day with no work so I decided
I shall write. What happens? I'm looking at the fresh blank screen of my computer and nothing. Nothing at all. Not a single thought comes to my mind, I haven't even started writing and I hit a road block. I just can't make myself do it, to actually put my ideas to paper/screen at all. I never realized but I'm in that category of wanting to have written. I need to push myself to write. Yes this blog helps me with writing out things but I want more. I want to write a fiction novel, a short story, anything that I can claim "yes I wrote that,"

Please writing creating spirits/gods/things help me! I just want to be able to put my ideas down without getting bored midpoint, losing track, and not being able to start. 

*Names have been changed

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tattoos Love or Regret?

So most of us can agree that tattoos have been around for .. well as long as civilization or longer. But that's not what my post about, yes we can argue that tattoos are 'new' and things like that, but the real reason of this post is are tattoos a good idea?

To be fair I will note that I have three tattoos. So I shall try not to be bias, but we all know that's not possible, everyone is bias at one point, even without meaning it.

Anyway, let's continue!

Lately I have been thinking about tattoos more recently. I look at mine on my wrist, and I go back and forth on it, Do I really love it, or has the phase past? Am I always going to think like this?  Don't get me wrong, I love it, I really do, but sometimes I wish it wasn't there, I wish it was in another area of my body, more easy to cover up than my wrist. Every time someone see's me, they look at my arm, and go "Oh what a cute bear!" That's great that you think my panda is cute and all but, really, can't you ask about the back story, or something other than, "Is that a bear?" Hmm.. I don't know why I should be complaining, I obviously put it there with the intention of allowing people to see it. I sometimes wish it was  just in another area.
That is why, I am thinking of getting it removed. Yes I had it for three years and it is the only tattoo I have with.. a small amount of regret. I would probably just get it re-done but in another spot.
On the other hand, I made the commitment should I just live up to it?

C'est la vie!

*Names have been Changed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

What is love?

Sorry about the title, the only thing I could really think of that would match this post. No it's not about that song. Baby don't hurt me- ... carrying on!

So a few updates about life before we continue to the heavy duty things. 

1. I never got a reply back from Lisa See yet. I don't think I ever will, since she is very busy. I really want a reply though, I want to read what she has to  say about the questions and things I asked! No I won't tell you what I asked, unless you know.. I get a reply.

2. I was busy this weekend once again. I went with my mom and sister to the United States of America. Yeah,  it was alright but it made me realize why and what I love about Canada. No stupid 'LANE ENDING' and bam it ends almost causing you to hit another car. Or no ... really good discounts... or... good food... or... I'm sticking to my story, Canada is great!  I had a great time, and bought things I needed for school. Which I am excited about.

3. Less than a month now until school! I'm so excited to go back, you have no idea reader.

4. This Friday is my last day of work. I am PUMPED. I'm so ready to be done work, it's boring and unproductive towards anything useful. It made me realize that I want to work for something that is needed and useful, not something boring and gross.

5, This Friday after lunch, since we finish at 12 on Fridays, I shall be driving to see *Pat. I don't know how long I shall be staying but I do know it's going to be grande. I miss him and it's only been two weeks since I last saw him! 

 Now to the dirty and gritty of this post:

When is the right time to fall in love with some one? Do you know? Does it just happen? 

I believe that no one loves each other right away, that it takes time to actually be in love. I also don't believe when Teenagers say "I love you!" To their boyfriends of a month, just isn't possible. But when is the right time? Is it only after you realize or do you just know that you love them? 
I've been in two long term relationships so far, and on my third now, but even still.. I don't know when or how we fall in love. It's so confusing. Is it that first moment when you whisper 'I love them' to yourself or does it take more?
Oh so many answers. I need some advice! 

I think... personally we just... ugh...  I'll figure this out eventually..

*Names have been changed.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Great Weekend

Hello all my readers. You must be wondering "WHY YOU NO POST?" So yes, I'll be explaining why I didn't post what seems like.. years.

First of all, at my work we had a great grand meeting that I had to help out with Thursday and Friday. So my usual time of posting at work, I was actually down some where else and doing WORK! Also on Thursday I had to pick up *Pat from the bus terminal since he came down to see me! That was a good time. I missed him so much, since I didn't see him for almost two months. I must say that is the longest time I ever went by without seeing him physically. That is saying something!

What else.. we went to see two concerts this weekend with the family. That helped a lot. *Pat told me "Before coming here, I had doubts, but holding you at the concerts made all the doubts go away." So sweet.. I like him so much! No, no love yet. That feeling is still... not there? It's only been four months. Give me a break.

The weekend was filled with so many things. So busy. Last night *Pat and I went to see the new Harry Potter. It was so sad..I felt like crying when they showed little Snape. He had it so rough! Even though I knew... ***********SPOILER ALERT.*********************** he dies, it still makes it so sad. it doesn't change the fact of anything. IT'S SAD.

Now, what is new and excting is I e-mailed my favourite author Lisa See. I hope she gives me a reply. That would be fantastic. I would die of happiness. Hah!

So now I must go do other things, and I am extremely tired today, I woke up at 6 to drive *Pat to the train station. Ah well. Life goes on!

*Names have been changed.

ps; if you see any spelling mistakes, ignore. I'm too tired to proof read.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It came to me..

in  a dream! I was trying to sleep last night and I got the best novel idea, EVER. Well maybe not ever because I don't think I could ever beat novels like 1984 or Harry Potter when it comes to originality but still, I'm excited.

Also, *Pat is coming. To my house. TOMORROW. I'm so excited my readers! I haven't seen him in a long while. So I shall be taking perhaps a small leave of blogging until Monday. Since tomorrow is our great work office thing, and he's coming and all that fun stuff!

I also plan on going to go see Harry Potter this weekend. I hope it's good as the novel were!! If not.. well.. we'll see right?

Question, what's your favourite novel? Is it something new and modern or a good classic? Let me know! I need things to read lovelies!

*Names have been changed.

Ps: What should I write about in my blogs? Should I continue the mix of my life and interests with a touch of what's going on in the world? What do you think?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I've been busy because of work. It's the last week before an important event and we're running around like chickens without our heads. Me? I'm done my work, I'm relaxing. Don't get me wrong, I still help out and do what I'm told, but you know.

This post though isn't about work though, it's about something better than that.

I've currently been reading Dreams Of Joy by Lisa see, like I said in my earlier posts. Although I'm almost finish, just about 100 pages left. Not too much. Because I've been reading this novel I looked up Lisa Sees' website and began reading, and because of her I got the best piece of advice "Write 1000 words a day"is essentially it. But I'm thinking, can you really do that?  Can you force yourself to write or is it a natural process for everyone? Maybe I should try to write a 1000 words a day though, considering I've been trying for what seems like years to write a novel, (I'm 20 so imagine!)

Oh I feel so busy though. I want to watch all the episodes of Inuyasha, read the books I want, finish a video game, and work. How do I do this?! I feel like I don't have enough time. I think once I'm done my 8 week work program I'm going to ... I have no idea... See I'm so lost!

Well somewhat I do have a plan. I plan to read before bed, like I always do, so that helps on the book thing. But what about the rest? Do I just.. dive in and do it until it's finished or do I pace it out? Ha... I like to pretend I'm good at organizing but terrible at time management. Oh woe.. And to think I'm in University! I should be used to these things. But I'm not, I miss the days of high school when everything was simple! Yeah that's right.. actually no, I don't want those days again! I'll figure something out.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Child hood love

Today while I was reading my new book, Dreams of Joy By Lisa See and I got the strangest urge from this! Trust me it's really random actually. From reading this novel, which is great by the way, I wanted to start watching the anime Inuyasha again! It was so strange. I've watched it when it first aired on YTV (Canada). I have a goal to attempt to finish the series this summer or by October! Which is a very... high goal considering the anime has 167 episodes, four movies, and 26 end episodes. I'll do it though!

On another note *Pat might come down this Thursday! I really hope he does! <3

So summer has been okay so far. It's been raining most of the time which sucks. Today was a nice day though so I went out. I forgot to put sunscreen, BUT! I was mostly in the shade all day. I don't go tanning since I don't want my skin to become leather. So tomorrow if I decide to go out again, I'll for def put sun screen on. ;)

Also, I've noticed that I had page views from international areas, thank you! I hope you can understand since I mostly speak in slang.

Anyway, it's late and I'm tired from all the outdoors!

*Names have been changed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hello everyone! Everyone has an obsession or something they love. It can be something simple as dogs, to the crazy obsession as stalking someone down. Either way you tickle your fancy right? Well today I was thinking what I could write about, and decided to share one of my obsessions. And that would be this website List Verse. I love this site! When ever I'm not too busy at work, or need a simple break from life, I click on this website and read. I love it because it's simple, to the point. Entertaining but that's just a give away. Some of my favourite list they have include:

Top 10 Truly Badass Saints

Just to name a few. What do you think about this site? Nay or Yay? Give me your reactions!
Yours truly,

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Relationships

Let's talk about it, relationships. And let's face it, relationships are one of the hardest thing to do in life.  We wish for the perfect person for us. We constantly look for that special someone, and what happens? It some how screws up and kicks us while we're down. But why? Why do we look for a companion?  And on the discussion of relationships what do you think of long distance relationships (LDR)? I've been thinking about them a lot lately because of my boyfriend. And I've created a list to help me decide what I think of them:

LDR vs Local!

When it comes to... Alone time
Pro: When it comes to alone time, you never have to worry about hurting your partners feelings! No "I'll make it up to you if you let me go out..." You are your own master!
Con: In a long distance relationship you are constantly alone without your partner. Sure you have your friends you can go out with but theres no "Let's stay in and watch a movie together on the couch!" night. If you want to do that, you're alone.

Pro: You can ask for alone time knowing later on you can just go see your partner. No worrying about if  you'll have to wait up and talk to them on the phone. Just text, go and done.
Con: Sometimes it can be hard to get alone time without hurting the other persons feelings. How do you tell someone "No go home and sleep in your own bed for once!" without sounding rude?

When it comes to... Gift giving
Pro: Scenario: You're busy at work, school, friends whatever, and you can't make it to the store to buy a gift for your special one. No problem! You can blame it on the postal strike delaying things! (This only works if you're in Canada!) "Yeah Hunny.. I mailed your gift last week.. it never got there? Uh strange!"
Con: First of all you're limited in a way in what you can buy. If you want to get them a big present, you might have a problem. Theres a size limit at times, and I don't know about you guys, but I would rather save that 70 dollar postal delivery fee.
Bonus: The thing with LDR we tend to think of the gifts we do get as more special, since it took longer to receive and such.  Maybe it did take a month to arrive, but the wait was worth it.

Pro: You can have more fun with gifts. Perhaps its their birthday, not only can you get them a gift but you can take them out to a restaurant. Or plan a special evening together. The possibilities are endless!
Con: Since you guys do live locally maybe the other person is expecting to be treated better. Maybe they aren't just expected a gift but multiple and a dinner/movie! You just never know with that! (That's when you need to talk to your partner and see what they want to do for that special occasion.)
Bonus: Either LDR or local relationships you can always surprise the person with a gift!

When it comes to... 'Deep meaningful Conversation"
Before we can go any further let me explain what deep meaningful conversation really is! This is  a code my boyfriend *Pat and I use for... sex.

Pro: Well if you have a low sex drive to begin with LDR's are perfect for you! You two don't do it as often or at all.  On the other hand if you need that conversation with them that's when you can try new things, such as using the phone or webcam. Theres also sites that offer you two the naughtiness you need, perhaps try second life (http://secondlife.com/)  or something? So you two can go out on a 'date' together (well your avatars!) before you score the big O.
Con: Can't see each other when the conversation gets intense!! All you can really do is sit it out, or rub it out yourself. So exciting right?

Pro:  No need to wait to get it out of your systems! You see each other and decide the moment is right and you jump right into it! (With protection of course!) when local you can also try new things you can't do alone or in a LDR, such as bondage. Can't tie yourself up to the bed!
Con: You can reach the bottom of the cookie jar only to pull out a stale cookie. Happens to the best of us. Maybe our soup just isn't spicy anymore, and we need a new recipe. Times like these can be hard to snap out of of.  You've ate the same sandwich too many time to be enjoyable.

When it comes to... Communicating.
Note: There is a difference between talking and communicating. Talking involves a simple "Hey, how are you?" Compared to "How are you feeling and let me listen to your problems." Understand?

Pro: When in a long distance relationship all you have is talking and communicating. You aren't there to understand what's going on with the other persons life. You can't just know what's going on, unless the person tells you. This is where good communication comes in place, since it's a LDR you have to make it work even if that's sending a text saying you'll be away all day. Communication is the key!
Con: It's rough, sometimes at the end of the day all you want to do is crawl into bed and say 'screw it, i'll call them tomorrow' this is where the communication can break down, jut like in any relationship. It's just harder when it's an LDR since that's all you have to rely on.

Pro: Since it's local the people involved can talk and hang out whenever they want. It doesn't just depend on talking with each other, you can sit there in comfortable silence and know exactly what the other person is thinking.
Con: Since it's local and such sometimes the people involved can forget that theres more to a relationship than the physical. Not just sex but holding hands and such. Yes physical is important but so is the emotional part of a relationship!

Well looking at that you can tell theres issues with both types of relationships. These are just my personal views, maybe you don't agree to them and that's fine. I just think that any relationship there's going to be trouble, everyone fights. You're going to hurt no matter who you're with in a relationship, you just have to find the one you can hurt for and make it worth wild.

Well that's pretty much what I think. I think it's important to listen to what your LDR or local relationship wants! It's like a plant, don't forget to nurture it.

*Names have been changed.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hello every single reader. I've been thinking, it sucks to be a woman at times. First of all you bleed, which makes you emotional. You have hormones that go crazy, which makes you emotional. Everything makes you cry at times!! It sucks. It also doesn't help that I'm on birth control and anti depressants that no longer work for me. Which makes my hormones and chemicals in my brain even more crazy which makes me cry for no reason.

Also we tend to over analyze things. Which can just hurt us in the end. I just want to go with the flow, not have little arguments with *Pat. I feel bad for him, he doesn't need a girlfriend that every other week gets angry/cry and such.  I feel terrible. I believe I need therapy to help myself out, and perhaps a new prescription.  I know this isn't me when I cry for no reason or get upset over little things. I just want to be my happy self again. Without all the tears. I just want to be the good girlfriend like I was when he and I were at university. Not him doubting our relationship because of me and the distance also. I just want to make it up to him some how.

*Names have been changed.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Excitement and sick.

Hello my single reader out there. Or perhaps my two readers. Either way hey!

Let us start with the bad and work our way to the good. The first terrible news is that my father has been in the hospital for a week now. He was weak and such, and the doctors didn't know what was wrong with him. Thankfully he's doing better now. They said he might be able to come home tonight, I doubt this but hey we can dream!

The second is that I'm extremely tired, and have been all week due to the lack of sleep. You don't know how excited I am to finish work at 12 and go home and take a nap. It's my high point of Friday night. Yeah I'm interesting!

Also I've experienced what my eye doctor told me is an optical migraine yesterday.  I was at work reading online for work, and out of no where, I was having blurred vision, followed by odd 'floaters' in my vision. Eventually I also had what seemed like flashing lights on the side of my vision. I freaked out and went to my eye doctor, well my sister told me to who in fact drove me because I couldn't. He told me it was an optical migraine and that an episode of lights and such should only be around for 10-14 minutes, and that half an hour like I had was a longer episode. He also said the pain will follow. Little did he know I felt like throwing up on his floor with severe headache when he said that. Haaaaa. Well thankfully I was able to sleep it off, but my god, I hope that sort of migraine never happens again, it was so scary and was the worse pain ever. I felt dizzy, sick to my stomach and the whole deal.

Please, I hope it doesn't happen again. Please brain don't do it again. hahah.

Now on to the good news!

I recently wanted to Game X* and traded in/sold some of my old videos game. I got 37 dollars worth of store credit which is great. I bought Eternal Sonata, I'm not too sure how it plays since I recently bought it and will only start it tonight. And also two final fantasy music CDS which include the Final Fantasy X -2 piano soundtrack. Which I must say the music in that game is better than the actual game! And since my ex took, or I left it at his apartment, a new link cable for my gameboy colour.  I know right?! Now I can finally transfer/trade over my old pokemon to my newer games, if I can! Excitement~

Another great development is that Pat* took time off to come see me in two weeks! I hope he can come, it's not the time or money that's going to be difficult is finding a way down, since the buses hate us and theres not train stations around him. We'll find something. I'll keep you posted on the adventures of Pat* and his hopefully, wonderful time here!

Now I should really be getting back to work now so until next time!

*Names have been changed.

ps; Am I weird for liking certain keyboard to type? At work I'm currently using a macbook pro and I'm in love with the keyboard. I feel inspired to write, but at home I don't want to write on my keyboard, connection or just mind games?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Long Weekend

It's been a while since I updated you guys on anything. That is because I took the weekend to myself. Which means relaxing! Since we worked on Canada day we got Monday off. That was great since I needed all that extra sleep. You can't see it but right now I just want to curl under my desk and sleep. Tempting if no one could see me.

I'm also debating if I want to quit work or not. I understand that is only an 8 week program and I'm 4 weeks in but I really do not like it. I looked over my work for today and I realized that I only have a few things to do for today. Which will take me less than the morning to do. I know it's easy and I get money but at the same time I just want to be home, enjoying my summer vacation and not worrying while I'm at work.

There has been things going on with my Dad's health lately, that is all I'm going to tell.

On the brighter side of life Pat* told me he might be able to come down at the end of July!! That is amazing! I hope he comes since the last time I seen him was.. um.. The 4th of June I believe? I'm not entirely sure don't quote me on that. I believe it was then. Ah well! I could have went down on my long weekend but in his mood of being angry at something he told me not to come down, which he regretted saying later! Poor guy.

Ah well, might as well get back to work, I ended up killing about five minutes with this post! Better than nothing!

*Names have been changed.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Caught in the act

Today was better than yesterday. I must say... But one thing you must know is that I work extremely fast and tend not to have much to do at work because of it. This had lead to a numerous amount of free time. Free time that I spend on ... facebook. That thing everyone hates but loves. I do this to amuse myself and catch up with people that I don't normally get to speak to often or ever. But I must say that I've been caught, and my boss e-mailed me telling me to stop. Bam just like that. Caught in the act.

But what do you think? Should it be alright to use facebook if you are done your work and have nothing else to do? Or ban all together from work around the world?

I believe facebook should not be at work, only if you have free time. And I mean real free time, not the 'oh I'll just finish this paper work tomorrow.' no I mean the 'oh I have nothing to do because I worked so hard and finished my work for the day!' time.

What do you think? I know that Pat* goes on it during work, but only if there's nothing to do. (He works at the summer museum at the moment.) He just goes on it or read a book, only when no one is there and there's no work to be done. So? Opinions! Go!
*Names have been changed

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Birthday Wishes and Rant

Hello my single reader out there. How does your day go? Mine so far is my birthday. Yes you heard it right, it's my birthday. I turn a big giant number. 20. Okay it's not that big of a number but still.

So I am 20, it feels weird... But first let's catch up on my adventure.
I went on a shopping adventure with my sister and her boyfriend. We went to the States. Yeah that's right. I am so excited. We went to outlets meaning a lot of good clothes, on discount prices. I bought a ton of Tommy Hilfiger polo's, since I never owned any and they are great for layering or on their own. I also bought a make up case from Sephora. I mean the big ones that professionals carry. Hahah, it's great! All my make up fits in it now and it's all organized! Sweet deals! That made me super happy since I somewhat turned into a make up junkie of late. What else.. umm.. I finally tried Dunken Donuts! It was.. Odd? I tried their frozen hot chocolate things. I don't think I'll do that again. It was just a great old time! I doubt though you want to hear what I bought and such so let's move on!

My birthday! It's alright. It's only been a few hours so it's not like I'm bouncing off the walls. I don't know, birthdays aren't that great when you get older. You don't get surprise parties, or presents and stuff. Maybe I'm just dark and depressive because my boyfriend Pat* couldn't come down. Ugh.. It makes me so mad and sad that he didn't come. I know he works but still. 20 is a big one! And I just hate that he didn't try, it just seems like that anyway. I kept asking him to book time off work but he didn't, and it sucks. I went down for his birthday when I could have stayed home and not driven 9 hours to see him, by myself. I just asked him to come down for a weekend, didn't even need to be a week like I did. It just fucking sucks. Ugh. Sorry I know I'm ranting but I have no where else to. I can't rant to anyone else because they'll tell me to just suck it up. I just hate it. I didn't want to be alone on my birthday, and he knew that.
*Names have been changed.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm gone on an adventure

While you single reader, and good chances that it is just me, read this I Frey* shall be gone. Where am I gone? On an adventure of course! Let's just say that I'm gone with my sister and her boyfriend on a mini vacation. It is great! Don't worry, I shall let you in on the dirty fun details another day. That's if something amazing happens other than the usual you know?
I'm sure with the three of us, something unusual will happen!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yum Yum!

So for the last few weeks I've been obsessed with Greek yogurt. Not any Greek yogurt though, the one from President's Choice from Loblaws. (Grocery store chain to all those who do not know!) It's so good, not the yogurt itself because it's a bit sour but they add fruit at the bottom of the cup and ohhh! It's heavenly! I love the blueberry more than the strawberry. The strawberry just taste like jam and not very good jam.

The reason I'm talking about this yogurt? It's just good, and low in calories and high in protein. A single cup  has 11g of protein! It's amazing! This is perfect for me too, since I don't like to have a snack in between breakfast and lunch. (I tend to over eat when I snack between these times!!) I suggest picking up a cart full of this miracle yogurt if you see it. Do it! It shall change your life forever!!

While on the topic of food, I'm also in love with my sister's corn bread. It's so good. She makes two versions of it, the traditional and one that is more moist and buttery in taste. I love both, I can't choice which one I like the most. Is that wrong of me? Maybe that's a good thing that I can't pick, therefore when she makes up a cornbread I won't be disappointed with the results!

*Names have been changed

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Times have changed!

Hello everyone again! This is Frey*, and yes it's been a long time since I've been on here. But life get's busy you know? I hope ... you single reader will understand this!

So I'm stuck in a pickle, I've been renovating the blog for a bit now. (At work, but please don't tell anyone!) And I can't decide if I want to keep my older  blogs or remove them completely. What do you think would be appropriate?

Enough of the 'I'm sorry! I've been busy!' and let me actually tell you what's been going on with my life since my last post.

First: No longer in community college but instead in a fine prestige (I wish! But it's one of the best I swear) University. We shall call this University Mount* and leave it at that.
Second: I'm no longer with Alexander*. Things with him got too hetic and were not working out for anyone. It ended on bad terms.
Third. I'm currently dating a new boy, and have been for officially three months. Unofficially four. Either way it's been a short time. I met him at my dorm and literally lived right above him. Neat right? His name? Pat*. Classic right?
Fourth. I'm currently on summer vacation but work at an office for seven hours of my life. It get's quite boring here and I finish my work quickly, hence why I'm currently blogging.

I believe that's everything new in my life. I shall keep positing hopefully every day or few days. It shall be grand! Stay tuned!

*Names have been changed