Friday, July 8, 2011

Excitement and sick.

Hello my single reader out there. Or perhaps my two readers. Either way hey!

Let us start with the bad and work our way to the good. The first terrible news is that my father has been in the hospital for a week now. He was weak and such, and the doctors didn't know what was wrong with him. Thankfully he's doing better now. They said he might be able to come home tonight, I doubt this but hey we can dream!

The second is that I'm extremely tired, and have been all week due to the lack of sleep. You don't know how excited I am to finish work at 12 and go home and take a nap. It's my high point of Friday night. Yeah I'm interesting!

Also I've experienced what my eye doctor told me is an optical migraine yesterday.  I was at work reading online for work, and out of no where, I was having blurred vision, followed by odd 'floaters' in my vision. Eventually I also had what seemed like flashing lights on the side of my vision. I freaked out and went to my eye doctor, well my sister told me to who in fact drove me because I couldn't. He told me it was an optical migraine and that an episode of lights and such should only be around for 10-14 minutes, and that half an hour like I had was a longer episode. He also said the pain will follow. Little did he know I felt like throwing up on his floor with severe headache when he said that. Haaaaa. Well thankfully I was able to sleep it off, but my god, I hope that sort of migraine never happens again, it was so scary and was the worse pain ever. I felt dizzy, sick to my stomach and the whole deal.

Please, I hope it doesn't happen again. Please brain don't do it again. hahah.

Now on to the good news!

I recently wanted to Game X* and traded in/sold some of my old videos game. I got 37 dollars worth of store credit which is great. I bought Eternal Sonata, I'm not too sure how it plays since I recently bought it and will only start it tonight. And also two final fantasy music CDS which include the Final Fantasy X -2 piano soundtrack. Which I must say the music in that game is better than the actual game! And since my ex took, or I left it at his apartment, a new link cable for my gameboy colour.  I know right?! Now I can finally transfer/trade over my old pokemon to my newer games, if I can! Excitement~

Another great development is that Pat* took time off to come see me in two weeks! I hope he can come, it's not the time or money that's going to be difficult is finding a way down, since the buses hate us and theres not train stations around him. We'll find something. I'll keep you posted on the adventures of Pat* and his hopefully, wonderful time here!

Now I should really be getting back to work now so until next time!

*Names have been changed.

ps; Am I weird for liking certain keyboard to type? At work I'm currently using a macbook pro and I'm in love with the keyboard. I feel inspired to write, but at home I don't want to write on my keyboard, connection or just mind games?

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