Monday, August 1, 2011

What is love?

Sorry about the title, the only thing I could really think of that would match this post. No it's not about that song. Baby don't hurt me- ... carrying on!

So a few updates about life before we continue to the heavy duty things. 

1. I never got a reply back from Lisa See yet. I don't think I ever will, since she is very busy. I really want a reply though, I want to read what she has to  say about the questions and things I asked! No I won't tell you what I asked, unless you know.. I get a reply.

2. I was busy this weekend once again. I went with my mom and sister to the United States of America. Yeah,  it was alright but it made me realize why and what I love about Canada. No stupid 'LANE ENDING' and bam it ends almost causing you to hit another car. Or no ... really good discounts... or... good food... or... I'm sticking to my story, Canada is great!  I had a great time, and bought things I needed for school. Which I am excited about.

3. Less than a month now until school! I'm so excited to go back, you have no idea reader.

4. This Friday is my last day of work. I am PUMPED. I'm so ready to be done work, it's boring and unproductive towards anything useful. It made me realize that I want to work for something that is needed and useful, not something boring and gross.

5, This Friday after lunch, since we finish at 12 on Fridays, I shall be driving to see *Pat. I don't know how long I shall be staying but I do know it's going to be grande. I miss him and it's only been two weeks since I last saw him! 

 Now to the dirty and gritty of this post:

When is the right time to fall in love with some one? Do you know? Does it just happen? 

I believe that no one loves each other right away, that it takes time to actually be in love. I also don't believe when Teenagers say "I love you!" To their boyfriends of a month, just isn't possible. But when is the right time? Is it only after you realize or do you just know that you love them? 
I've been in two long term relationships so far, and on my third now, but even still.. I don't know when or how we fall in love. It's so confusing. Is it that first moment when you whisper 'I love them' to yourself or does it take more?
Oh so many answers. I need some advice! 

I think... personally we just... ugh...  I'll figure this out eventually..

*Names have been changed.

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